Chris Share

Chris Share


I have been the Director of Albanian College Tirana since August 2022 and I have previously been in Senior Leadership roles around the world since 2008.


I have worked on leadership trams in Warsaw Poland, Shanghai China, Doha, Qatar and Pattaya Thailand having previously been a Head of Secondary in British International schools that blended UK and IB curricula and exams. Before entering teaching, I worked in London as a project manager in financial services.


I trained to be a teacher at the University of London Institute of Education after previously obtaining a master’s degree in international history from the London School of Economics.


I am proud as a teacher who helped students get 100% in exams, the maximum 45 points in the DP, land equally importantly helped students have the joy of reaching grades they thought they could not get that helped them obtain jobs or places at universities that made them so happy.


I used to organise school trips to Berlin and Krakow (Auschwitz) and I believe school should give students oppurtunities beyond the academic.


I love international trips and links to other international schools, and I fully encourage those oppurtunities at ACT.